. Q( S, p( }) [& U
tak音频格式是压缩音频格式,是按压缩等级(共5级 )来控制音频质量的,哪里来什么16bit或者24bit一说,如果你要转24bit,你可先转wav格式,选为24bit,然后再转tak格式试试。& o& m4 r8 g5 `' K7 p8 U
另外,就算以前什么版本有过位数参数,那也是不正确的,你可以去官方主页下载你看到有这个参数的老旧版本。* @+ |) Q1 i Q7 ^) d
最后,附上tak音频格式编码参数:" Q+ Y6 a5 [9 _" z: q; W
-mode -e encode, -d decode, -t test decode, -te test encode,
8 l9 c9 h/ O j$ V, X8 X -fi file information, -version program version
" e2 d' w: J3 h0 n' [-p# select encoder preset #: 0-4 (fastest to strongest, default is 2).
- h1 p8 i) i4 t+ r4 H Append E/M (-p2m) to increase the evaluation level to Extra/Max.7 @7 U0 C( o# _* N2 R
pMax is a synonym for the strongest setting.
' z5 l0 G( v! N) I7 P-fsl# Set the frame size limit to # samples per channel. Valid values:
3 K0 X4 c) T& v, k% Z7 \* s. Q 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384.( w' a6 z7 a7 _" J0 P
-wm# Control saving(encode)/restoring(decode) of wave file meta data: A& ~4 ?2 `3 r/ w8 X( d
0 = disable
* Z2 B% ^, T& p. a' L" P s2 l 1 = enable and use default values for maximum size (default)6 p( d4 R& L4 b# V: I {# o
46 to 1048576 = enable and set maximum size (encoding only)- q. ~2 t! ?, `3 ?9 r3 o& D2 k
-md5 add (encoding) / verify (decoding) MD5 of the raw wave data+ @2 m) m$ f8 `; D+ Y' a
-ihs ignore (wave) header size entry (pipe encoding only)' ]3 I$ c9 a0 i8 e+ Y5 B2 R$ g
-v verify encoded frames (when encoding)
- i T) ^ Q2 h" `) E-overwrite overwrite existing output files (without confirmation!)
& z3 {3 I/ y) q1 M W% A7 Q-fim# select file information mode #
! m: {% O/ I2 k! r1 A 0 = any information (default)$ _) h" _" G4 ]5 X
1 = encoder
! |5 _7 f O0 Q 2 = wave meta data
3 T" n+ F/ ?8 R 3 = MD5
9 z8 {% t9 N# t, G. F/ \ 4 = compact-formatted
1 _* m7 ?) T! s) k* q+ H) o 5 = compact-raw
0 G7 K6 _& T" f+ T5 J-l# select log file level #
! E. B0 b3 m1 Z 0 = no log file (default)0 s! m. S0 S+ A% w
1 = log results! f* n: v V3 J: W0 D" @0 Q& m B
Append A (-l1a) to append new results to an existing file.8 z6 o6 d# }: _2 X5 m5 @* W+ [
-silent silent operation: Write nothing to StdOut/the screen.
$ _! q+ A4 P6 v% i) A, q. E( w. M-w wait for enter key when finished
. ~7 O9 v. _3 V0 @: }& a& _1 Z-lp Execute with low priority. Nice for background processing./ p0 T/ C) V& S: a2 u& x4 n
-tn# Use # threads for encoding (1-4, default is 1).0 f) e+ W+ z0 \* o
-cpu# Use (up to) the # cpu instruction set optimizations.% m7 c. s" a o+ m3 S1 w$ H
None = Use plain Pascal code% v: a u+ S5 I! H8 K
ASM = Use some i386 assembler code
% D7 K$ {& _$ f& V SSE2 = Use ASM, SSE23 ~' o, M; y$ s% m- _
SSSE3 = Use ASM, SSE2, SSSE3$ s+ K. X$ A: u9 M5 t
By default any available instruction set is used.2 Y F) y* N/ c* k; d! h2 A
-tt # Add textual tag item #, where # is a key/value pair: "key=value",
9 q9 T' P* o0 t& T% { for instance "TITLE=A nice song". "key=@file" will read the value& n/ ^- A4 E, E, Q
from the text(!) file "file" in the source directory.
0 v$ P' p" e; d; W1 T! n# i. g- s! D; I: f. |
* ?) E% ?; M R" ]& U. Z# y$ |, G6 w3 B
2 W. Z7 P# a+ Z0 _