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[E] Esther Ofarim.-.1982-01-01.-.Esther Ofarim.-.Columbia









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-2-22 18:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
碟片名称:Esther Ofarim& }0 u7 R- |4 |" T
' o( b$ a7 u4 c8 E歌手名称:Esther Ofarim
5 g/ m- f: M2 i, ^发行公司:Columbia
% G. V* {1 Y3 |0 @' H: ?# B发行时间:1982-01-01! O& J8 ~$ x' y8 ~6 I
音质标准:16bit|44.1KHz+ h; J! a9 E+ S1 H6 Q) B# \7 k5 _
  u' ~. X7 s8 Z* s1 d2 i音乐类型:* U: j. l4 j/ m
  d6 Y; {% {  _% B) [歌手写真:5 b4 t2 g( x6 q( J

: D% z% W( K8 S# p9 S. T碟片封面:
0 w, z4 M% z2 H9 t  C. D
) I9 O3 r- M7 ?- Q8 ?7 `9 @
, {! [+ V( c0 o( i2 R德国Atr公司于1972年出版Lp,当年的确是发烧友人手一张做为人声试音之用,1982年美国Columbia公司再重新处理录制发行Cd,音质相当不错的,人声与乐器的部份都非常清晰,不太像一张老唱片。伊莎天生的音质就很清丽,再加上她高低音都能活泼连结与延伸的能力,听来抒情流畅、悠游自然,还带着犹太风格中淡淡的幽怨,内敛而隽永。当时的配乐伴奏是定位清楚而表现清爽的,虽然乐器也是不少,象是大提琴、长笛、低音提琴、钢琴等,但听来丝毫不杂,这样的表现方式,水平颇高。
/ Q  P0 |; c( Z  q5 ^- Y) ^「这是本世纪最亲切感人的歌声」--Practical Hi Fi(英国)
* |: O/ ]" E2 p; y5 G/ W「噢!这是我听过最美的人声,她真摰的感情,使我感于五内」--Hi Fi Exklusiv(德国)
" W% U' S$ _5 @7 @! ]# z0 f「凡男性听到她的嗓子,就想向她求婚。她的歌声实在太美、太亲切」--Stereo(美国)
2 }2 j# S2 _' q5 a. E9 N% d$ B9 q6 e" O7 q) w6 o
歌手介绍:2 n/ S! F% I. ~) h8 @: |
Esther Ofarim,6岁开始在以色列登台演出,是天生的天才歌手,18岁左右开始录制唱片,期间与征服Abi Ofarim合作,Abi多数为Esther伴唱或吉他伴奏。在走进录音室前,Frank Sinatra已经与她签了几场演出合同。1961年Esther参加以色列歌唱比赛,同时以不同的两首歌获得前两名,Saeini Imcha便是当时获得第一名所唱的歌曲。 1962年的专辑唱片“Hayu Laylot”奠定了Esther作为以色列首席歌手的地位,这期间的经典歌曲太多了。1962年Esther参加在波兰举行的国际歌唱比赛,凭“秋天”一曲拿了第一名,之后就与Abi旅居瑞士。1963年Esther代表瑞士参加Eurovision欧洲电视网络歌唱比赛,这是欧洲最高级别的歌唱比赛,Esther当时演唱的是法文T'en Vas Pas(请别离开),当评判宣布Esther是第一时,全场欢呼,但在确认分数时,由于北欧国家的评判作弊,Esther被拉到了第二(当年同届参赛者著名的希腊女歌手Nana Mouskouri代表卢森堡拿了第八名,分数却还不到Esther的三分之一)。这个事件成为了Eurovision有史以来最大的丑闻,但Esther从此便红遍欧洲,并在世界范围出版她的唱片。 Esther期间在欧美发行的唱片都非常畅销,1965年Esther在美国录制了一张百老汇风格的专辑唱片“Is it really me!”,监制、编曲以及乐队指挥都是Bobby Scott,A Taste Of Honey的作者。对于Esther,Scott觉得如获至宝,他认为不管在编曲上有多高的难度,Esther都应付自如,是天生的天才。Esther从最高音一下子转到低音,是那么的自然,毫不吃力,高音时直插云霄,低音时柔情似水,以致于一些芭芭拉史翠珊的歌迷不得不承认Esther的才华,转而追随Esther。“Morning Of My Life”是Bee Gees所作的歌曲,单曲唱片的版本是由Bee Gees伴唱的,专辑唱片里的版本,当然是Abi伴唱,收录在“2 IN 3”专辑中。这张专辑的最后一首歌曲“Cinderella Rockefella”,“无厘头”风格,在一次英国DJ的误播下迅速走红,而后出版的单曲唱片在欧洲各国荣登榜首。次年,Esther与Abi再接再厉,把他们的名曲“One More Dance”改编重新灌录,这首歌讲述一位爱跳舞的贪财女子偷情的故事。无法理解的是,当Esther在欧洲大红大紫时,她的歌曲却在以色列被禁播,唱片禁止发行,直到1967年才解禁。Veteran Israeli singer Esther Ofarim began recording in the late 1950s, and has put out records in several styles throughout her career, including folk music (of Israel and other cultures and countries), folk-rock, novelty, and orchestrated folk-pop-classical-rock in the style of Judy Collins. Ofarim often released records in English, with virtually no trace of an Israeli accent, and also performed and recorded for a while with her one-time husband Abi. Although not too well known to the English-speaking audience (particularly in the United States), Ofarim has impinged on the pop and rock consciousness from time to time. In 1968, she had a British #1 hit (also a big seller in other countries, though not in the US) with the novelty "Cinderella Rockafella," recorded as part of a duo with husband Abi; Esther and Abi had another British hit, "One More Dance," later that year. The pair's manager, Ady Semel, managed Scott Walker for a while, and co-wrote (with Walker) much of the material on Scott's 1970 album 'Til the Band Comes In. It was likely through that connection that Esther Ofarim actually ended up singing the sole vocal on a song on 'Til the Band Comes In, "Long About Now" (although this was written by Walker and Semel), a most unusual move on an album billed to an entirely different solo vocalist. Semel also told the press he had plans to make Scott Walker and Esther Ofarim a team, although nothing came of it. Around the early 1970s, Ofarim recorded some material in a style remarkably close (more in production than vocals) to that being done by Judy Collins around the same time: eclectic folk-pop-art songs, given classically-tinged orchestral arrangements. Noted producer Bob Johnston (Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Simon & Garfunkel) produced one of these, 1972's Esther Ofarim, which indicates that someone or some people in the industry must have thought she had the potential to attract a significant popular audience. One leading British collector, Phil Smee, has described (in Record Collector) some of her work as sounding like a female Scott Walker,particularly the LP Israeli Songs. Little information about Ofarim, however, circulates in the English-speaking record collecting community, a situation that will no doubt change in the 21st century as cultists look for something relatively undiscovered to mine.0 J% m# i$ |& \3 _
. O; P/ a- T, M01. Esther Ofarim - I Am The Singer - Ani Hashar    03:41! S* w% j# f7 l" e2 j& D+ J
02. Esther Ofarim - If You Came - Lu Bat    03:12' s; t6 @, r: s! g( K
03. Esther Ofarim - Enter Me Under Your Wing - Hachnisini Tachat Knafech    05:20- M) |) ?& X7 _+ P4 ~
04. Esther Ofarim - Every Night - Layla Layla    03:15
9 F! f: V, _4 |% {2 P9 K) o. `05. Esther Ofarim - After You Left - Acharey Shenasat (Veotkha)    04:29
7 c5 F" F' V4 T5 c; o' ~) G7 b06. Esther Ofarim - A Spring Song - Shir Aviv    01:19' F# [; R, h" x$ A$ f7 i- P  x  }
07. Esther Ofarim - Night Sorrow - Tsaar Halayla    05:10: j; _+ r) \1 Z- D, m) |
08. Esther Ofarim - You Are Beutiful Darling - Heenech Yaffa Raayati    04:01
6 Q$ Z$ B; ~2 X& d09. Esther Ofarim - Gentle Hand - Yad Anuga    03:50
$ |1 Z6 s% X: K! C/ c" l, V10. Esther Ofarim - Drink The Herds (From Vally To Hill) - Shtu Hadarim (Memek Legiva)    02:23
2 e0 c7 E& n/ U" c- q11. Esther Ofarim - There Were Nights - Hayu Leylot    05:14
0 Z  V4 T- _* U4 m

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